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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "H"

Hunches are usually based on facts filed just below the conscious level
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Humor is to life what shock absorbers are to automobiles
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Humor can hurt just as easily as make someone laugh
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Humor can be a vehicle to saying something serious
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Humility brings us back down to earth and plants our feet firmly on the ground
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How you treat your children will be reflected for generations
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How you say something may be more important than what you say
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How you say something is as important as what you say
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How you give is just as important as what you give
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How people treat you is more a reflection of how they see themselves
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How old would you be if you did not know your age?
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How children are treated represents the success of a society
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Hope is especially important when there's nothing you can do
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Honor is sought by others to confirm it in ourselves
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Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom
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Home is where you act the worst and are treated the best
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Hold your vision of peace clearly in mind each day
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History repeats itself because people have the same motives
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Higher price doesn't necessarily mean higher quality
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Hide nothing from your minister, physician, and lawyer
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