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Most Popular Wise Words, Wise Sayings

Almost everything in life is easier to get into than out of
Rated: 4 (3 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 4 times   |   Favorited: 2 times   |   Category: A
After you've worked to get what you want, take time to enjoy it
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Allow your mind to solve problems while you are busy doing something else
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If you look as if you own the world, people treat you like you do
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Allow your mind to solve problems while you are busy doing something else
Rated: 2.5 (2 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 3 times   |   Favorited: 5 times   |   Category: A
By asking questions you encourage other people to open up and let you in on their excitement about life
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Dwelling on past pains and disappointments assures no future growth
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Liars usually have good memories because they need to remember their lies
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A quality life is more valuable than a quantity life
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A beautiful soul lasts longer than a beautiful body
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All the advice and wisdom cannot help you until you apply it daily
Rated: 4.5 (3 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 2 times   |   Favorited: 6 times   |   Category: A
Believe in hope, work, family, learning, knowing, loving, and with a little luck, happiness will come
Rated: 3.5 (3 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 2 times   |   Favorited: 4 times   |   Category: B
The more you love someone, the easier it is to forgive him
Rated: 4.5 (2 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 2 times   |   Favorited: 1 times   |   Category: T
Making the right choices takes a great deal of courage
Rated: 5 (2 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 2 times   |   Favorited: 3 times   |   Category: M
You can never arrive at your final destination without taking a first step
Rated: 3 (2 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 2 times   |   Favorited: 1 times   |   Category: Y
You usually do not know that you are in a bad mood until someone brings it to your attention
Rated: 4.5 (1 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 2 times   |   Favorited: 1 times   |   Category: Y
Follow love and it will flee; flee love and it will follow you
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Accept temporary inconvenience for a permanent improvement
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Learn to wait and assess instead of acting on instinct
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Humility brings us back down to earth and plants our feet firmly on the ground
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