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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "I"

It's one thing to talk of bulls, it's another to be in the bullring
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It's not the goal but the set of the sail that determines the way you go
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It's easier to remember the name of someone who has power than that of someone who does not
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It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back
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It takes years to build trust, but only seconds to destroy it
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It takes two to communicate the truth-one to speak and another to hear (Henry David Thoreau)
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It takes thirteen muscles to frown and only two to smile
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It takes less time to do something right than to explain why you did it wrong
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It takes less time to avoid an accident' than it does to report it
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It takes a wise person to recognize another wise person
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It takes a lot of courage to stick up for something you believe in
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It should not be in a child's power to cause you any disturbance
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It requires more courage not to fight than to fight
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It often takes more courage to change one's opinion than to stick to it
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It often shows a fine command of language to say nothing
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It makes little difference what is on the outside of your head if there is something on the inside
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It just takes one decision to change your life forever
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It isn't the mountain that wears you out, it's the grain of sand in your shoe
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It is when you give of yourself that you truly give
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It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked
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