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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "I" - Page 15

If you do not fear death, then you do not fear anything
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If you do not claim too much intelligence, people will give you credit for more than you have
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If you dare to fail miserably, you can achieve greatly
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If you convince yourself that you have found it, then you will have truly found it
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If you carry yourself like a beauty, people will think of you as one
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If you cannot tell someone why you are mad at her, then you should not be mad at her
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If you cannot sleep because you're worrying about work, then you are in the wrong job
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If you cannot run with the dogs, stay under the porch
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If you cannot command yourself, you cannot command others
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If you cannot believe everything will turn out for the best, then at least believe that things will not turn any worse
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If you cannot afford to do certain things or buy certain things, don't
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If you can't think of someone lovingly, better not to think of him at all
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If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
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If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all
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If you can't come by something honestly, you are better off without it
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If you can tell a little lie, then you can tell a big one, too
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If you can sell it to yourself, then you can sell it to anyone
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If you can read, you can live as many lives as you wish
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If you can pull your own weight, you can pull 5 percent more
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If you can make someone laugh, you can do Just about anything to her
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