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Top-rated Wise Words, Wise Sayings

A fish would not get caught if it kept its mouth shut
Rated: 5 (4 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 0 times   |   Favorited: 10 times   |   Category: A
A great idea can give your life direction and purpose
Rated: 5 (3 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 0 times   |   Favorited: 1 times   |   Category: A
Never subtract from your character to add to your popularity
Rated: 5 (2 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 1 times   |   Favorited: 3 times   |   Category: N
Making the right choices takes a great deal of courage
Rated: 5 (2 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 2 times   |   Favorited: 3 times   |   Category: M
All the negatives of politics do not even come close to outweighing the few positives
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The true measure of a person is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good
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Aim at fulfilling whatever talents you have inherited
Rated: 5 (2 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 1 times   |   Favorited: 2 times   |   Category: A
Give as you would receive: cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation
Rated: 5 (1 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 1 times   |   Favorited: 0 times   |   Category: G
Liars usually have good memories because they need to remember their lies
Rated: 5 (1 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 1 times   |   Favorited: 1 times   |   Category: L
Don't throw away the old bucket until you're sure the new one holds water
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Listen to people who are good listeners themselves
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Have the strength to forgive all offenses willingly
Rated: 5 (1 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 0 times   |   Favorited: 0 times   |   Category: H
If you miss the first buttonhole, you will not succeed in buttoning up your shirt
Rated: 5 (1 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 0 times   |   Favorited: 0 times   |   Category: I
The smallest deed is better than the grandest intention
Rated: 5 (1 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 0 times   |   Favorited: 0 times   |   Category: T
Think big, but let the little things make you happy
Rated: 5 (1 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 0 times   |   Favorited: 1 times   |   Category: T
When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece
Rated: 5 (1 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 0 times   |   Favorited: 2 times   |   Category: W
All the advice and wisdom cannot help you until you apply it daily
Rated: 4.5 (3 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 2 times   |   Favorited: 6 times   |   Category: A
A good habit is a lot easier to learn than a bad habit is to break
Rated: 4.5 (2 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 0 times   |   Favorited: 1 times   |   Category: A
Your home should not feel like a birdcage and you like a bird
Rated: 4.5 (2 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 0 times   |   Favorited: 0 times   |   Category: Y
The more you love someone, the easier it is to forgive him
Rated: 4.5 (2 votes)   |   Email or SMS: 2 times   |   Favorited: 1 times   |   Category: T
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