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Newest Wise Words, Wise Sayings

Affirm your potential by realizing your individuality
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Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't
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Adversity tests whether you are what you thought your were
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Adventures are enjoyed even more when you get home
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Advances in life are usually first met by fear and skepticism
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Adults are nothing more than children with obligations and responsibilities
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Admire people who succeed at living life on their own terms
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Add up the experiences of your life to total a great sum
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Add little to little and there will be a great heap
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Actively pursue the good in all the particulars of your daily life
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Actions and words are the windows through which the heart is seen
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Action without thought is like shooting without aim
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Act with courtesy and fairness regardless of how others treat you
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Act as though it is impossible to fail at a difficult task
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Act as if you were already happy and that will make you happy
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Achieving happiness is the beginning of experiencing happiness
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Achieving desires and wishes does not guarantee happiness
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Accept things as they are, not as you wish them to be
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Accept that life on life's terms may not always be to our liking or to our understanding
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Accept temporary inconvenience for a permanent improvement
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