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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "A"

A good habit is a lot easier to learn than a bad habit is to break
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A house is defined by the character of the people who live in it and visit it
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After a game a player's character is revealed as much as during it
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Alter the difficulties or alter yourself to meet them
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A minute of thought is worth more than an hour of talk
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All that is known is significantly less than all there is still to learn
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A happy person feels compelled to do more good things than a sad person
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A person must make his opportunity as often as he finds it
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A fool cannot take a joke, so jest with your equals
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Alter the difficulties or alter yourself to meet them
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A place for everything and everything in its place
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Admire people who succeed at living life on their own terms
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A person can do himself more harm than others can do him
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A happy journey almost always depends on choosing the right companion
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A true friend is with you in the bad times as well as the good ones
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A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step (Lao-tzu)
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Accept temporary inconvenience for a permanent improvement
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Adventures are enjoyed even more when you get home
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A true genius says and thinks things for the first time
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A fire is not out until the last spark is extinguished
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