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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "D" - Page 14

Determine not to waste your time and attention on mindless blather
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Destiny is not a matter of chance. it is a matter of choice '
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Desire is broken down into two categories: ones that we need and ones that we think we need
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Desire for your neighbor what you desire for yourself
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Desire and aversion, though powerful, are just habits
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Degrees of happiness are achieved through perspective
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Decisions are easy when you know where you are going
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Decide what is important in life and disregard the rest
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Decide to be extraordinary and do what you need to do
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Decency and inner beauty are more valuable than appearance
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Death sharpens our appreciation of what it means to be alive
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Death is the only thing that can come between true friends
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Death can show us how to live, can teach us about life
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Dealing with someone who is angry is easier than dealing with someone who is silent
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Deal with many of life's biggest problems with laughter
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Deal with another as you'd have another deal with you
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