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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "F" - Page 2

For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; for everything you gain, you lose something
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Follow your own ideals and you can never be called a coward
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Follow your heart's desire and it will lead you to great adventures
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Follow love and it will flee; flee love and it will follow you
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Fix your own faults before you ask others to fix theirs
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Find ways to forget things that are cluttering your mind
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Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it
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Find out all about yourself-there are few more important courses of study
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Find expression for a joy and you will intensify its ecstasy
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Figuring out the order of things makes everything a lot easier
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Figure out the criteria with which to measure your life
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Few blame themselves until they have exhausted all other possibilities
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Feeling obligated to do something can take all the fun out of doing it
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Feeling beautiful is more important than being beautiful
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Feel the passion within, not for possessions outside
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Fearing death does not make it easier to live life
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Fear of being alone creates more marriages than love
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Fear is the energy to do your best in a new situation
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Fear either makes you strive to accomplish things or stops you
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Families can either cause great happiness or tremendous sorrow
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