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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "S" - Page 4

Sometimes free advice is worth more than paid advice
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Something ordinary in the past becomes valuable in the future
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Something big can be happening to more than one person at a time
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Someone will always be looking at you as an example of how to behave
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Someone else's misfortunes are easier to solve than your own
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Some things seem easy at first, but they are easier said than done
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Some people would still not be happy if they had everything, while others would still be happy even if they had nothing
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Some people think about the same thought a thousand times while others think a thousand different thoughts
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Some people have it in them to triumph while others do not
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Some people get paid for giving advice while others feel they should give it away for free
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Some of the most wonderful things in life are not meant to last forever
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Some of the most creative ideas come from beginners
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Some events are more fun when you go with a group of people
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Some decisions will give you joy or heartache for a lifetime
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Some decisions need to be made from the heart instead of the head
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Some are born to greatness, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them (Shakespeare)
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Society succeeds when it is easy for people to do good deeds
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Society fails when there is a great distance between the very rich and the very poor
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Snowflakes are some of nature's most fragile things-but look what they can do when they stick together
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Smart people have an insatiable thirst for knowledge
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