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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "T" - Page 7

There is more than one correct way to raise children
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There is more joy in anticipation than in realization
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There is little assurance when we entrust our happiness to others
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There is happiness in the most disagreeable duty when you realize you're getting it out of the way
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There is even something good about bad luck: it can change
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There is a lot of ground between one extreme and another
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There is a foolish corner in the brain of the wisest men
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There is a difference between the way things are and the way things should be
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There is a big difference between action and words
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There comes an age in everyone's life when the only person you fool is yourself
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There comes a time in everyone's life when they realize that they have to live with themselves
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There are two types of people in the world: spectators and participants
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There are two kinds of people: the people who lift and the people who lean
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There are two kinds of people those who have ideas and those who do something about them
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There are three types of people: those with wishbones, those with funny bones, and those with backbones
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There are three kinds of people: the wills, the won'ts, the can'ts
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There are some qualities in life that cease to exist once we realize they are happening
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There are only two classes: first class and no class
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There are no true absolute rights or wrongs in life
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There are no easy answers to unclear questions, questions not properly asked, and stupid questions "
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