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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "W" - Page 2

Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it
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Wisdom is all about learning how to live a better life
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Wisdom is a paradox: it teaches us to have no limitations, but it also teaches us to be aware of the ones we have
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Wisdom can come in the form of a sudden revelation
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Winning or losing doesn't matter- it's how you play the game
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Who would wish to be valued must make himself scarce
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Whether the road goes uphill or downhill depends on where you stand
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Wherever you are right now has the potential to be paradise
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Where you live has a tremendous effect on how you view life
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Whenever you choose to be alone, a world opens up to you
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Whenever you are true to yourself, you will be true to others
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When you've reached your goal, then tell others about it
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When you talk to someone, figure out whether she wants to listen or talk more
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When you start thinking you are having a good time, the good time is usually over
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When you speak, offer data and information rather than beliefs and judgments
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When you speak, do it in a manner that dignifies you
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When you really think about it truly think hard about it-lire is strange
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When you realize you've made a mistake, try to correct it
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When you put your energy behind something, the results will be powerful
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When you pursue something, do so with grace, finesse, and flexibility
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