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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "Y" - Page 2

Your children can embarrass you better than anyone
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Your children are with you, yet they do not belong to you
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Your brain needs exercise to stay fit just like your body ,
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Your attitude is the first thing people notice about you
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Young people have to be able to make their own mistakes
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You're nothing if you're not excited by what you're doing
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You're not responsible for what others think of you
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You're going to spend the rest of your life doing something; it might as well be something you want to do
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You'll never know how strong you are until you get tested
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You'll never grow old if you continue to think and learn
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You'll make fewer mistakes by trusting other people than by distrusting them
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You'll find growth among those who don't agree with you
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You will never be asked to bear more than you can cope with
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You will know what is more than enough before you will know what is enough
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You will experience everything if you live long enough
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You will always be able to clothe yourself, if you know how to sew
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You usually remember the simple pleasures of life more than the expensive pleasures
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You usually know the right thing to do; the hard part is doing it
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You usually do not know that you are in a bad mood until someone brings it to your attention
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You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts
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